French filmmaker Edmond Gréville’s work isimaginative, filled with jaw-dropping camera work, energetic editing, and a cinephile’s love of moviemaking, with a style that echoes the visual-centric work similar auteur maudits like Edgar G. Ulmer Ulmer or Joseph H. Lewis.
Gréville made over 35+ features from 1931 to 1965 in French and English, but today, he has mostly been forgotten. By the time he passed away in 1966, he was so poor, that a bunch of his young filmmaker friends had to raise money to keep him from being buried in a pauper’s grave.
In an attempt to help out the interested parties who want to explore Greville’s filmography I’ve made a list of the current availability of all of his films. When possible, I’ve linked to a site that sells/or sold a DVD copy. This list may be incomplete, so feel free to let me know if I missed something in the comment section below.
For the best rundown of Edmond Gréville’s work, I highly recommend reading the essay written by Bertrand Tavernier which you can read here.
WARNING: Some of the DVDs I mention do not include English subtitles, but fan subtitles have been created by a number of different online film groups, which I have listed if possible. I’ve come across some of his Gréville’s films on Youtube or sites like Dailymotion that been subsequently taken down, so if I know a copy of one of his films exists out there, I’ve marked it down as ‘Floating Around on The Internet’, as frustrating as that may be.

Remous (Whirlpool) (1935): Available on DVD in France (With English Subs)
Brief Ecstasy (1937): Available on DVD on the Ealing Studios Vol. 2 Boxset in the UK
Noose (1948): Available on DVD and on ARCHIVE.ORG
Menace (Threats) (1940): Available on DVD in France (No English Subtitles)
The Accident (1963): Floating around on the internet with English Fan Subs.

Brief Ecstasy (1937): Available on DVD on the Ealing Studios Vol. 2 Boxset in the UK
Secret Lives (1937): Floating around on the internet
Under Secret Orders (1937): Floating around on the internet
Noose (1948): Available on DVD and on ARCHIVE.ORG
The Romantic Age (1949): Available on YOUTUBE
Guilty? (Je plaide non coupable) (1956): Released on DVD in the UK
Beat Girl (1960): Released on Blu-ray in the UK

Princesse Tam-Tam (1935): Released by Kino on DVD
Whirlpool (Remous) (1935): Available on DVD in France (With English Subs)
Threats (Menace) (1940): Available on DVD in France (No English Subtitles on DVD, but Fan Subs do exist)
The Port of Desire (Port du désir) (1955): Available on DVD in France (No English Subtitles on DVD, but Fan Subs do exist)
The Hands of Orlac (Les mains d’Orlac) (1960): Available on DVD in France (No English Subtitles on DVD, but fan subs do exist)
The Accident (L’accident) (1963): Floating around on the internet with English Subs.
The Triangle of Fire (Le triangle de feu(1932)
For One Night of Love (Pour une nuit d’amour) (1945)
Woman of Evil (Le diable souffle) (1947) – French
But Not in Vain (Niet tevergeefs) (1948) – Available, but only in Dutch.
The Other Side of Paradise (L’Envers du Paradis) (1953)
As Long As There are Women (Tant qu’il y aura des femmes) (1955)
Temptation (L’île du bout du monde) (1960)
The Liars (Les menteurs) (1961)

The Train of Suicides (The Train of Suicides) (1931)
Pleasures of Paris (1934)
The Love Merchant (Marchand d’amour) (1935)
Gypsy Melody (Capitaine tzigane) (1936)
Forty Years (Veertig jaren) (1938) – Dutch
What a Man (1938) – English
A Woman in the Night (Une Femme Dans La Nuit) (1943)
Dorothy Looks for Love (Dorothée cherche l’amour) (1945)
Im Banne der Madonna (1951) – German
When Will Noon Ring (1958) Quand Sonera Midi (1958)